Physical Therapy Medical Billing

Physical Therapy Medical Billing

Physical Therapy Medical Billing

We help Physical Therapy Practices remain successful. Our Physical therapy medical billing is centered around our Project Management Software to help you to accomplish your financial goals. Here is a glimpse into our approach.

Physical Therapy Practices have unique challenges in navigating medical coverage vs injury coverage, prior authorizations requirements, limits in therapy coverage, functional limitation reporting, analyzing referral sources, and estimating patient balances.  By trusting MMSS as your medical billing service for physical therapy we not only collect extremely effectively but also drill into the data of the practice to identify improvements with our physical therapy billing software.

We have been told by a few Physical Therapy Practices that they wouldn’t want to practice without MMSS.   We are experienced in managing services for multiple locations with multiple providers.  If it fits the practice we set and monitor productivity goals and even provide monthly reports specific to each therapist so they can see how they contribute to the practice and so they can reach for incentives if they are available.

New insurance plans are available each year.  By helping Physical Therapy Practices adapt to new plans as they become available it gives their front office staff ability to confidently schedule patients, collect payment at the time of service if applicable, and respond to patient questions with skill.

Physical Therapy Billing Services

For Physical Therapy Practices, we can provide access to therapy specific software and even have integrations with popular Physical Therapy Specific Electronic Health Records Systems.

We are highly experienced in providing medical billing services for Physical Therapy Practices large and small.  Contact us today to learn more about our physical therapy medical billing software.